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Why Do I Believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
I believe the Bible is God's Word for ten reasons. Consider the following evidences:

1) The Bible's Oneness - The Bible contains sixty-six books written by over forty different writers from differing backgrounds over a span of two thousand years. Yet from Genesis to Revelation the Bible proclaims one truth, one plan of salvation, one code of ethics. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God who inspired and guided each human writer to write His Word.

2) The Bible's Indestructibility - Kings have directed campaigns to root the Bible out of their kingdoms. Emperors have declared all-out wars to destroy the Bible. Yet ever since the days of the printing press, the Bible remains the most read book throughout the world. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God who is almighty to preserve His Word throughout the ages.

3) The Bible's Universality - The Bible speaks to people from all types of cultures, continents, centuries, backgrounds, languages, ages, occupations, etc. It not only relates, but it also speaks powerfully to stop sinners, renew hearts and lead people to God. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God who delights to apply His Word, by His Holy Spirit, to the minds and hearts of people.

4) The Bible's Inexhaustibility - Hundreds of Bible commentaries have been written; countless sermons have been preached, and yet, new insights are continually drawn from the Bible's limitless depths. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God of infinite wisdom and truth.

5) The Bible's Honesty - Biographical accounts of the heroes of faith in Scripture differ from human-authored biographies. Biographies written by people tend to enlarge their heroes' strengths, minimize their weaknesses and ignore their errors. The Bible, however, honestly relates David's, Noah's, and Peter's sinful failures as well as their triumphs of faith. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God of perfect honesty and integrity.

6) The Bible's Truth - Human writings attempt to minimize mankind's sin and expand upon his goodness; they attempt to credit man with some aspect of his salvation. This appeals to people. The Bible, however, teaches that natural man is totally sinful and cannot save himself; only God's grace can save him. The Bible exalts God to the highest and humbles man to the lowest. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God of infinite justice and graciousness.

7) The Bible's Historical Accuracy - Ancient human writings generally contain numerous errors. With expanding archeological evidence, however, biblical truths are being increasingly supported. To date, no factual evidence has been substantiated that disproves a single, biblical, historical truth. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God who loves truth and is without error.

8) The Bible's Scientific Accuracy - When reading books written by authors who lived many years ago, we encounter numerous errors due to the writers' lack of current scientific knowledge. To date, however, no scientific truth has been discovered that contradicts the Bible. The Bible, in fact, speaks of several scientific truths prior to their being discovered by man and believed by societies. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God who creates, upholds and understands all parts of His creation.

9) The Bible's Prophetical Accuracy - Human predictions and prophecies generally contain a mixture of truth and error. Some prove true while others do not. The Bible is full of prophecy; but no biblical prophesy has yet been proven wrong. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God who is all-knowing, who knows the end as well as the beginning of all things.

10) The Bible's Personal Application - Applications of biblical truth have renewed people's lives, granted new spiritual life, opened spiritual insights, replaced hate with love, convicted people of sin, revealed Jesus Christ as the Saviour of sinners and turned people from self-centered to God-centered lives. Why? Because the Bible is the Word of God; a God who delights to convert and save sinful people. Yes, the Bible is the Word of God. Its oneness, indestructibility, universality, inexhaustibility, honesty, truth, historical accuracy, scientific accuracy, prophetical accuracy and personal application all testify of this truth.

The Bible is the Word of God. Do you believe it?