Battle For Middle-Earth Evil Campaign Map 2, Act 2 - Fangorn

Map starts with all troops from Isengard near 2 pre-build lumber mills. Kill Ents with fire arrows & Saruman’s fireball as soon as they appear throwing rocks at you. When cleared, send Saruman & a Uruk combo to base & setup camp. Send remaining troops to the right a build a lumber camp. Beware of Elven ambush that shouldn’t take too long to clear. Send all troops to new camp & build armoury & buy full upgrades, Uruk pit & assorted foundry & slaughterhouses on remaining plots. Best to produce foundries to help with upgrades though. Another logging mill can be build to the left of the main camp where again you’ll be attacked by Elves relatively easy to clear.

Once these Elven attacks have been dealt with, upgrade all units with fire arrows & banner carriers & wait at the main camp until all units have been respawned. If you’ve been unfortunate enough to have lost all your labourers to the Elves & can’t spawn anymore due to your command point limit simply redeploy any you have still surviving at the other camps. Once you attack the main camps you should have spare command points to spawn other labourers if the battle goes on too long & need more cash. Normally it’s not a good idea to have too many labourers but considering how many trees there are in Fangorn & the need to clear the Elves camouflage best to have as many labourers as possible. If you’ve managed to powers until now you should have had enough to get the devastation power. Essential for clearing large amounts of trees & of course increasing resources. Otherwise you’ll have to depend on more labourers for the lumber mills.

Head across the river & clear a few more Elves waiting & build another 2 Lumber Mills & a few extra labourers.

Now head back to main camp but beware of more Elves lurking in the trees. Clear them away & carry on your journey back to main camp. Take the route along the north bank of the river & clear the other Elves waiting at the other side of the river crossing to the main camp. When troops have fully regenerated (I had 389 against a command point of 325) & are fully upgraded head west for the Elven camp. If you’re feeling brave, head north & build another lumber mill & head west for the attack on the Elven camp.

As soon as you reach the Elven camp you'll be assaulted by all remaining troops & a few Ents for good measure. All you need to do is keep up the attack & ensure Saruman doesn't get killed. You need to keep him in the action though to ensure he has a good chance of being upgraded

Build another lumber mill once Elves & Ents have been cleared. Wait for banner carriers to do their work & Saruman to heal & head for the Entmoot to finish mission.

Fire on a few Ents & draw out Treebeard & concentrate all your troops on him. If you hang around too long you'll get thrashed by the Ents with nobody left. Even Saruman will get killed quite quickly if you don't defend him well enough. A few more Elves will get in the way so try & sort them out if you have time. When Treebeard has been killed, head back to main camp to regenerate & respawn any troops you have command point spare for. May as well get the Bloodthirsty bonus out of the way whilst you are spawning Uruks. Head back to the Entmoot & set fire to as many Ents as possible. I had to head back to regenerate Saruman & more Uruk battalions after a minute or so.


Battle Statistics
Units Trained Buildings Constructed Resources Collected Power Points Earned Enemy Units Destroyed Enemy Buildings Destroyed Time Bonus
397 x 1 29 x 10 62,891 x 1 2 x 1,000 140 x 2 3 x 10 670
Total Score = 84,558 - Total Victory
Troop ratings after battle
Anti-Hero Name First Trained Unit Current Level Missions Completed Mission Enemies Vanquished Campaign Enemies Vanquished
Saruman Isengard 3 2 12 47
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Fangorn 2 1 2 2
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Isengard 1 1 1 1
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Isengard 1 1 0 0
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Isengard 1 1 0 0
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Isengard 1 1 0 0
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Isengard 1 1 0 0

Objectives - Destroy the Entmoot, Kill Treebeard, Level up Saruman to Rank 3, Command a horde of Uruk Warriors to use their bloodthirsty power on another horde of Uruk Warriors & Combine a horde of Uruk Crossbowmen with a horde of Uruk-hai.

Prize for total victory - +20% Resources +1 Power.
Total score - 84,558 - Total Victory.

Next map is at Gap Of Rohan for +25 Command or Eaves of Fangorn for +10% Resources & +1 Power. I chose Gap Of Rohan. Starts with Saruman & 150 Uruks. Eomer & 60 Rohirrim are now in West Emnet with no change to the rest of the Good or Evil forces.