Battle For Middle-Earth Evil Campaign Map 4, Act 4 - Amon Hen
Start by spawning crossbows to combine with the Uruks & clear away trees on hill to the north for resouces as soon as the power is avaliable. Don't attack
Buy a number of crossbows as you'll need them to deal with the Elves
Kill Elves & collect treasure.
Head back to Uruk Pit & wait for devastation power to regenerate. Head south & try to as many Elves as possible & have a go at Legolas & Gimli. Also clear away some trees to reveal elves & gather resources to spawn more Uruks to replace those killed.
Head south for summit of Amon Hen & kill Legolas & Gimli
Kill the Elves at the foot of the hill then head west to recruit the cave trolls. Only 2 of them will spawn at any one time but 2 more will spawn soon after these are killed. Use them to pull up trees as weapons & to help clear Elf cover. Send these trolls to have a go at Legolas, Gimli & remaining Elves on Amon Hen summit.
When you've taken over the summit, reinforcements will arrive. Head back north & clear away Elves & wait near Uruk Pit until troops have been rebuilt & upgraded. Build a few Pike Uruks as you'll need them for the Rohirrim attacks soon. Wait around for a few devastation blasts to build up & upgrade your troops. Meanwhile send of the Trolls armed with trees to the south east as they cost nothing & gather any treasure to speed up resource levels & kill any Elves hanging around. Gather all troops in the south east are of the map to wait & upgrade with the devastation power resources.
Kill Aragorn & the Hobbits to finish mission.
Battle Statistics | ||||||
Units Trained | Buildings Constructed | Resources Collected | Power Points Earned | Enemy Units Destroyed | Enemy Buildings Destroyed | Time Bonus |
161 x 1 | 1 x 10 | 21,962 x 1 | 3 x 1,000 | 165 x 2 | 0 x 10 | 440 |
Total Score = 32,903 - Total Victory |
Troop ratings after battle | |||||
Anti-Hero Name | First Trained | Unit Current Level | Missions Completed | Mission Enemies Vanquished | Campaign Enemies Vanquished |
Lurtz | Amon Hen | 2 | 1 | 32 | 32 |
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde | Amon Hen | 1 | 1 | 19 | 19 |
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde | Amon Hen | 2 | 1 | 18 | 18 |
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen | Amon Hen | 1 | 1 | 7 | 7 |
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen | Amon Hen | 2 | 1 | 4 | 4 |
Objectives - Kill all the Heroes & the Hobbits, Take control of the Summit of Amon Hen, Find secret allies (Trolls) & Level up Lurtz to Rank 2.
Prize for total victory -
+1 Power.
Total score
- 32,903 - Total Victory.
Next map is either Lurtz with 80 Uruks in Eaves of Fangorn for +10% resources & +1 power or Rohan for +50 command or Saruman with 160 Uruks in Eaves of Fangorn. I selected Lurtz in Eaves of Fangorn.