Battle For Middle-Earth Evil Campaign Map 7, Act 7 - Edoras

Immediately build a small camp with a siege works. As soon as there are spare command points, build a ballista.

Head south east to destroy villages & collect treasures. Destroy Rohan camp & rebuild.

You'll have to beat off a few attacks for a few minutes until you have enough resources to build a camp for 2000. Speed things up by heading east to loot the tombs & a few more camps. Fortunately for me the gates were opened for some Rohirrim to ride out so initially I took a chance & entered Edoras. Got wiped out in a few minutes before I got much further than the initial slope. Left the area to clear away the second Roirrim camp & collect any treasures available.

However you deal with the attack on Edoras you're going to lose loads of Uruks, including Lurtz if you don't keep an eye on his health. Not easy when you're concentrating on other areas of the assault.

Hang around to the west of the camp outside the gates to regenerate then rush the camp. Concntrate on troop building structures as you'll be at this battle for a long time otherwise.

Queue lots of replacement Uruks

Keep resources flowing with Industry & Devastation Powers. Make some strategic retreats once a few troop buildings have been destroyed. I decided to make a dash for the golden hall & stop Rohan building at least & keep a steady supply of upgraded Uruks flowing to destroy any remaining troop building structures. First time I lost everyone in around a minute so rebuilt & tried a different strategy.

Rebuild army & work your way in slowly. Clear away troop camps & possibly Golden Hall first & any attacking troops on the way.

When last of the troop training structures & the Golden hall have been destroyed, work south clearing away all structures & collecting treasure as you go. Once the last of the structures has been destroyed. To help level up Lurtz I left him near the base of the camp between 2 Rohan farms. This way every peasant that came from the cams would be picked off by him giving him a  slightly unfair kill figure I suppose but it will be needed later.


Battle Statistics
Units Trained Buildings Constructed Resources Collected Power Points Earned Enemy Units Destroyed Enemy Buildings Destroyed Time Bonus
664 x 1 38 x 10 148,589 x 1 2 x 1,000 1,158 x 2 78 x 10 420
Total Score = 177,649 - Total Victory
Troop ratings after battle
Anti-Hero Name First Trained Unit Current Level Missions Completed Mission Enemies Vanquished Campaign Enemies Vanquished
Lurtz Amon Hen 5 4 134 311
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Edoras 2 1 79 79
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Edoras 2 1 71 71
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Edoras 2 1 56 56
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Edoras 2 1 38 38
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Edoras 2 1 36 36
Uruk Crossbow Horde Edoras 2 1 24 24
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Edoras 2 1 14 14
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Edoras 2 1 13 13
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Edoras 2 1 7 7
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Edoras 2 1 5 5

Objectives - Conquer any Rohan camps that protect Edoras, Destroy every Rohan building in the city, Loot the treasures of the dead Rohan kings & Kill the Lady Eowyn.

Prize for Total Victory - +50 Command & +1 Power.
Total score - 177,649 - Total Victory.

Next map is a choice of Saruman with 160 Uruks or with Lurtz & 180 Uruks at Westfold for +20% Resources or Dunharrow for +50 Command & +1 Power. I chose to Stay with Lurtz at Westfold for now to boost his experience. Plenty of maps to level up Saruman later.