Battle For Middle-Earth Evil Campaign Map 33, Act 13 - Dead Marshes

Starts with an empty medium camp to the north west. Siege weapons can't be built on this map but as I have the Balrog it doesn't really matter

After building forges & defences I group all troops accordingly & send them east. I come across the first Gondor troops at a small camp plot half way across the northern border

I find a medium camp to the far north east but not sure if this is the only camp. I don't want to destroy this yet if there are no others. I send all troops diagonally to the south west & see what else is out there.

I build another small camp & a few slaughterhouses then head east along the southern border.

Well it looks like another medium cap to the south. It is soon destroyed & replaced with another of mine.

Another medium camp to the far south east

Yet another medium camp with what appear to be the entire Gondor contingent. I send all the crossbows toward them & use Saruman's Wormtongue Power to bewitch some of the Tower Guards. These will kill a few of their own before the spell wears off.

Finally I send all troops to finish off the last camp to win the battle.

Battle Statistics
Units Trained Buildings Constructed Resources Collected Power Points Earned Enemy Units Destroyed Enemy Buildings Destroyed Time Bonus
6 x 1 73 x 10 129,336 x 1 1 x 1,000 195 x 2 26 x 10 880
Total Score = 139,702 - Total Victory
Troop ratings after battle
Anti-Hero Name First Trained Unit Current Level Missions Completed Mission Enemies Vanquished Campaign Enemies Vanquished







Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Enedwaith 6 10 28 360
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 6 9 11 218
Warg Rider Horde Belfalas 6 8 25 207
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 5 9 12 186
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Anfalas 5 9 2 177
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 6 9 9 166
Warg Rider Horde Belfalas 5 8 34 165
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Anfalas 5 9 3 161
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 5 9 5 158
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 6 9 8 150
Warg Rider Horde Belfalas 5 8 13 125
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Belfalas 4 8 10 114
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Anfalas 4 9 3 111
Uruk Crossbow Horde Emyn Arnen 3 4 25 44
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Crossroads 2 3 4 28

Objectives - Destroy all Good Forces & build 6 Sentry Towers.

Prize for Total Victory - +2 Power.
Total Score = 139,702 - Total Victory.

I carry on with Saruman with his 230 Uruks & 15 Warg Riders to the Mouths Of The Entwash +10% Resources.