Battle For Middle-Earth Good Campaign Map 4, Act 2 - Rohan

Sweep right across top of map & rescue peasants. Buy arm peasants power & use to arm peasants

As you're dealing with the Goblins you'll also be attacked by some Uruks but a fair sized attack will also be going on at your main camp. Return there as soon as you've collected the treasure & built the farm pronto to defend the main camp. When all enemies have been slain, head south & build a full set of sentry towers.

Build small camp with 2 farms & a fountain

Head to main enemy camp, wipe out all enemies in area & destroy Uruk Pit then return to fountain at top right to regenerate.

By now you should have a few battalions of Yeomen Archers. Send one to the nearest abandoned sentry tower & man it.

Find another to the right & garrison that one as well.

Send Eomer & Rohirrim to clear up the Lumber Camp to the far left & build a farm

Head South & build a small camp with 2 farms & another fountain. Bring all troops to this point ready for the final assault on the enemy.

Send Eomer & Rohirrim to the enemy camp for another sortie to clear up the Uruks that have spawned from a new Uruk Pit. Notice that another furnace has been built.

Train another battalion of Rohirrim (Horsemen or Archers) & send to bottom left camp. By the time your new horsemen have arrived. The previously garrisoned tower will be picking off Uruks on their way to a raiding party of your main camp. Best thing to do now is lead all troops to clear up the map. Start with the Lumber Camp to the right & build a farm.

Sweep right again over to the main enemy camp to clear up the Uruks, destroy the Uruk pit, Armoury, Citadel & any other builds you can before your troops health gets too low. When it does use the healing power to extend your fighting then head for the nearest fountain to regenerate health & fallen troops via the Banner Carrier upgrade.

When fully regenerated, make one last sweep of the map for any wandering enemies & when ready wipe out remainder of enemy camp.

Battle Statistics
Units Trained Buildings Constructed Resources Collected Power Points Earned Enemy Units Destroyed Enemy Buildings Destroyed Time Bonus
61 x 1 27 x 10 41,566 x 1 1 x 1,000 399 x 2 14 x 10 790
Total Score =  - Total Victory
Troop ratings after battle
Hero Name First Trained Unit Current Level Missions Completed Mission Enemies Vanquished Campaign Enemies Vanquished
Eomer Westfold 3 2 20 38
Rohirrim Battalion Westfold 3 2 69 141
Rohirrim Battalion Westfold 3 2 62 90
Rohirrim Battalion Westfold 2 2 55 56
Rohirrim Battalion Westfold 2 2 49 50
Rohirrim Archer Battalion Rohan 1 1 6 6
Yeoman Archer Battalion Rohan 1 1 0 0
Yeoman Archer Battalion Rohan 1 1 0 0
Yeoman Archer Battalion Rohan 1 1 0 0

Objectives - Destroy all Evil Camps, Garrison the ruined towers with Yeomen Archers & Rank up Eomer one level.
Prize for total victory - +20 Command.

Total score -  52,325 - Total Victory.

Next map is Amon Hen with the Fellowship.