Battle For Middle-Earth Good Campaign Map 6, Act 5 - West Emnet

Get Archers inside castle, close the doors, group Eomer & Rohirrim together & send them off scouting to the east. Destroy both Warg Lairs, collect treasure & build second camp with 2 farms & a fountain. Lots of fully upgraded Uruks to deal with so you'll need some serious healing.

After clearing away the Uruks, head for the fountain & heal for a minute or so. Then head for the left of the main camp & build a farm.

Destroy camp & head north & then east at top of map. You will encounter some upgraded Pike Uruks so simply retreat. No horses stand a chance against these buggers. Head back the way you cam then head east again about half way dpwn the map. Destroy another camp & several battalions of plain Uruks. Build farms on both these locations.

Head east again & clear away a several more battalions then retreat to fountain to regenerate. You need more Archers so either demolish farm in main camp to build one or build one on an outlying camp.

Close door when all troops are back in castle.

Wait around to build up Rohirrim & a few archers then upgrade everything. It's quite likely you will lose all outposts so you may have to wait around a while before everyone is upgraded including Fire Arrows as you'll nee them the have a good chance against siege ladders, Battering rams & Pike Uruks, the scourge of all horsemen. Carry our occasional raids to suppress any camps or enemies in the immediate vicinity. You will gain extra resources this way as well.

When fully upgraded, post archers around the walls & send Eomer & Rohirrim in a clockwise route around the map until you find the enemy camp in the north east of the map. The pike Uruks will be hot on your tail so try & do some damage before moving south destroying what you can before heading for the main camp to regenerate again. All the enemies you've encountered should now be on you tail also so lead them back to the camp & let the archers do some damage.

When regenerated, head for the enemy camp again & try to destroy all you can starting with the Citadel the the Uruk Pits.

I tried this method a number of times & failed to make much of a dent in the main enemy camp. I decided to wait around for the fire arrows to upgrade & upgrade 4 sets of Yeomen Archers over the front gate of the main camp & one flanking either side. If you're patient, carry out a few more quick hits to build resources & build a small camp north of your main one. Build 2 farms & a fountain & make this your base for the moment.

Head north & try to clear the siege engine workshop that will be giving you some major problems & destroy camp if possible & build another camp the same as before.

Destroy Lumber Mill to the right & build a farm. The head for the main camp & if you're lucky you will manage to clear away all Uruk Pits & Citadel before losing too many of your troops. If you can at least destroy these structures head for the main camp to meet up with new Rohirrim that were queued earlier along with the long needed Horse Shield upgrade. Buy this upgrade & apply to all Rohirrim as well as fully upgrade your now troops. Update grouping of Eomer & all horsemen & leave Archers doing their thing over the gates & all the towers guarding the perimeter. When ready, head north again & rebuild any camps that may have been lost during regeneration & clear up any wandering Uruks that survived the destruction of the Pits in the main camp. Wipe them out & head for the main camp again to keep check on enemy rebuilds & subdue if required.

After a bitter struggle & the loss of many of my Rohirrim, I finally destroyed the main enemy camp. However, they had also build a small camp to the south. It was too dangerous to hang around to save up 5000 to build a large camp so I went south & destroyed the Uruk Pits & Citadel built in the smaller camp to keep things quit for a few minutes. Headed north then east to rebuild farms & small camps again to bring the money in faster. When I got to the small camp above my main one I found another Evil camp. I wiped that one out completely & built another small camp.

At last the tide has turned so start sweeping the map to clear up any enemy camps & lumber mills but leaving the remains of the previously subdued small enemy camp to last. Always ensure that everything you have is maxed out by the time you finish the map.

Another small camp had been built in the bottom right of the map so I headed north again to clear out the previous small camp again. It now looked like I could build everywhere else & pin the enemy into the one corner for a final wipeout. I build the second large camp & filled with farms & a fountain & waited until everyone was healed & regenerated.

Head back to the original main camp, heal the archers & get select Q to send all troops to the final enemy camp. Be sure to build the last farm plot on the way. Goodbye Uruks & a rather difficult map.

Battle Statistics
Units Trained Buildings Constructed Resources Collected Power Points Earned Enemy Units Destroyed Enemy Buildings Destroyed Time Bonus
252 x 1 58 x 10 111,368 x 1 1 x 1,000 2,241 x 2 46 x 10 290
Total Score = 137,132 - Total Victory
Troop ratings after battle
Hero Name First Trained Unit Current Level Missions Completed Mission Enemies Vanquished Campaign Enemies Vanquished
Eomer Westfold 5 3 94 132
Rohirrim Archer Battalion West Emnet 2 1 152 152
Yeomen Archer Battalion Rohan 2 2 127 127
Yeomen Archer Battalion West Emnet 2 1 124 124
Rohirrim Battalion West Emnet 2 1 83 83
Yeomen Archer Battalion West Emnet 2 1 56 56
Rohirrim Archer Battalion West Emnet 2 1 28 28
Rohirrim Archer Battalion West Emnet 2 1 21 21
Yeomen Archer Battalion West Emnet 2 1 11 11
Rohirrim Archer Battalion West Emnet 2 1 9 9
Rohirrim Battalion West Emnet 2 1 1 1

Objectives - Purchase heavy armour for 3 battalions & Rank up Eomer one level
Prize for total victory - +20 Command & +10% Resources
Total score - 137,132 - Total Victory.

Next map is a choice of East Emnet for +20 Command or Eastern Rohan for +1 Power. Troops consist of Eomer, 20 Yeomen Archers & 35 Rohirrim. I chose East Emnet.