Battle For Middle-Earth Evil Campaign Map 20, Act 17 - Pelargir

The map starts at an empty plot to the far north east. A good defensive position to start.

Regrouped all the Crossbows & sent them along the north west border, Pikes defending the camp & Wargs south. In the north a Goblin Lair comes in handy for some treasure.

Suddenly the camp is attacked by several battalions of horses but they ride straight into my Pikes & died instantly.

The Wargs have built a camp to the south east & carry on further south again. The main enemy camp is in the south western corner so my strategy will be to work west & south from my base camp & carefully close in.

Warg & Goblins Lairs to collect treasure from. Resources are quite slow at the moment so every penny counts.

Another Warg & Goblin Lair to the south again as well as a small camp plot.

A couple of Trebuchets have caught me unawares, Sent the Wargs as my rapid response team to sort them out.

Upon return from destroying the Trebuchets I build my first camp in the city & left the Wargs to defend for now until the Pikes get there to establish a forward defence. Saruman & the Crossbows are working their way south on the western edge.

Found an outlying camp building the Trebuchets. Sent Saruman, Crossbows & Wargs to destroy & build another defensive camp.

With the Gondor camp all but surrounded now & with a number of Trebuchets on the walls I had to be careful. I saved the game & made a dash for the gate just in case it was open.

Unfortunately I managed to get a 4 battalions of Crossbow combos locked behind the door. I had no choice but to stand & fight. I was pleasantly surprised that by the time I had destroyed the last building my command points had only reached 635 with a limit of 600. Not bad at all.

Battle Statistics
Units Trained Buildings Constructed Resources Collected Power Points Earned Enemy Units Destroyed Enemy Buildings Destroyed Time Bonus
40 x 1 65 x 10 160,765 x 1 1 x 1,000 426 x 2 39 x 10 760
Total Score = 172,957 - Total Victory
Troop ratings after battle
Anti-Hero Name First Trained Unit Current Level Missions Completed Mission Enemies Vanquished Campaign Enemies Vanquished







Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Enedwaith 6 5 37 290
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 4 4 10 159
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 4 4 6 142
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 5 4 50 125
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Anfalas 4 4 28 124
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Anfalas 4 4 9 122
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 4 4 13 109
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Anfalas 4 4 8 108
Warg Rider Horde Belfalas 3 3 56 91
Warg Rider Horde Belfalas 3 3 57 89
Uruk Crossbow - Uruk Pikemen Horde Anfalas 3 4 13 61
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Belfalas 3 3 17 58
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Lebennin 3 2 12 55
Warg Rider Horde Belfalas 3 3 22 41
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Lebennin 2 2 9 21
Uruk-hai - Uruk Crossbow Horde Lebennin 2 2 4 8

Objectives - Destroy all Good Forces & Build 6 Sentry Towers.

Prize for Total Victory - +10% Resources & +2 Power.
Total Score = 172,957 - Total Victory.

I was amazed to find that all my troops survived the entire battle & were all upgraded except Saruman. He did gain some experience though & suspect he will reach 10 on the next map. I decided to stick with Saruman & head for Harlond for +2 Power.